Opal's Pumpkin Pie

This recipe makes 2- 9" pies. If you make one large pie instead you will have to add time to the baking to get it done. This recipe was given to me by Opal Beebee, several years ago. This is a handed down family recipe. It was once prepared in the White House for one of the former Presidents. Opal's daughter had served in the National Guard and had met a Pastry Chef who later worked at the White House and called Opal to ask for the recipe for Thanksgiving Dinner at the White House. Do not eliminate the heavy cream IN the pie...the cream and the amount of spices listed is what makes this pie so special. It is good hot or cold. I never tasted hot pumpkin pie until I tasted this one. I found out this past Christmas (2009) that this bakes well without a crust as well. I had to make 3 pumpkin pies to take to my son's home. I had enough mixture left over make another pie but not enough pie dough for a 4th pie. So I spray oiled a round casserole dish, filled with mixture and baked.
Opal's Pumpkin Pie Opal's Pumpkin Pie
Opal's Pumpkin Pie Opal's Pumpkin Pie
Opal's Pumpkin Pie Opal's Pumpkin Pie


  1. Great! I did halve the ground cloves, but other than that, made it as directed. I also had to bake quite a bit longer than stated. My knife never did come out clean, but after 25 extra minutes, I decided that would be enough! Everyone loved it!I made it again yesterday. I was tempted to crisp up the crust by cooking it a bit first because the first ones I made, the crust (underneath) was a bit soggy. I decided to follow the directions on the Libby's can for baking. (bake at 425 far. for 15 minutes, and at 350 far. for between 40 and 50 minutes)Following this recipe, but Libby's baking instructions turned out much better for me.Update, 2011: I still use the Libby's baking instructions, but other than that, follow this recipe to the letter. People BEG for this pie! It is the best! Update 2017: My daughter always asks me for the recipe. I still make it on special occasions, and everyone still loves it! I highly recommend this pie!
  2. This pie is excellent - perfect blend of spice/sweet/creaminess. The only change I made was to bake it at 425 degrees for 15 minutes then lower the temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another 50 minutes. At first I was skeptical about the amount of cinnamon, but after eating a piece I found the amount to be perfect.
  3. Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around, there is bound to be the ceremonial pumpkin pie on my family's table. Most years, I pass over it without a second thought. This year, I couldn't go home for the holiday, so I held Thanksgiving and decided to try my hand at a pumpkin pie. I'm very glad I did and used this recipe. This was, hands down, the best pumpkin pie I've ever had. It wasn't that lackluster, soggy mush I've long associated with the "traditional" pumpkin pie recipe. Oh no, my friends, this is a pumpkin pie sent down through the ages by gods. Imagine a creamy, custard-y party in your mouth dancing to the sound of a choir of angels. It was so good that when I was done, I considered breaking my non-smoking streak. Opal, you are awesome for sharing this. Where ever you are now, thank you for making me a pumpkin pie convert.
  4. All most like Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie, ?? BUTthe Same as the one on Family Oven.com ?? Thank you for the post here and THANK YOU,,, Opal For the recipe, THAT IS A VERY GOOD PIE !!
  5. I have been making this same pie for at least 30 years. The recipe is the same one I have, word for word but from a different source and different title. The recipe I have is called "Old fashioned Pumpkin Pie". It came from a paperback cookbook my mom got when I was in grade school (I'm now 58 years old). She could never remember where she got the cookbook and it has since pretty much fallen apart from age. The cover and some pages gone. I can remember that the cover was either blue or purple and the title was "The Manhattan Cookbook". There was no colorful story along with it about being served at the white house, but the recipe and ingredients are word for word the same as here. So I can attest that this is an excellent pumpkin pie, no matter where it came from. Just thought it was interesting that we had the same recipe from different places.

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