Basil Pesto

Tasted pesto only once at the Macaroni Grill and it was so bland I did not order it ever again. A few months ago I started growing a basil plant, now I have 3 and they were taking over the house so I decided to try your pesto. It is so delicious my husband and I could not stop eating it right out of the food processor! I think it's the addition of lemon that gives it the zing. Thanks
We too ate spoonfuls right out of the food processor! I froze one batch thinking that I would use it in the winter. However, I have already been into it (a week later) and I can say that it freezes and thaws well. We stir-fried some zucchini and red peppers and added the pesto and it was great. Have also used it on pasta with chicken - also great. This pesto is thick enough that you could even put a little bit on a cracker and top with a small shrimp as a colourful addition to an appetizer platter. Thanks Bonnie!