Angel Food Cake - Homemade

This is a MUST if you have never tried a homemade Angel Food Cake. I never liked Angel Food Cakes until the neighbor lady invited me over for coffee shortly after I was married. That was almost 15 years ago, and my children and husband always ask for this for special occasions. Thank you Artie, for being a wonderful friend and for the recipe!
Angel Food Cake - Homemade Angel Food Cake - Homemade
Angel Food Cake - Homemade Angel Food Cake - Homemade
Angel Food Cake - Homemade Angel Food Cake - Homemade


  1. Charlotte, this is a wonderful cake!! Took it to work for a special person's birthday, it was a huge hit. Filled the tunnel with Peaches and whipped cream, iced it with whipped cream and placed some peach slices around the top. Thanks for sharing a great recipe!!
  2. This cake was very tasty, and everyone loved it. I did have a major problem though which was similar to another reviewer. While cooling the cake upside down it fell out of the pan even though it tested done before I removed it from the oven. I finished cooling it on it's side after pushing it back into the pan. I did everything as the directions stated, so I decided to look at some other recipes to try to figure out what the problem might have been. Some other recipes say 12 egg whites or enough to equal 1 1/2 cups. I am thinking that since I used farm eggs and some of them are pretty big that I ended up with too many egg next time I am going to measure my egg whites to see if this will correct the problem. Thanks for posting!! After retrying this recipe for the third time, I found that it worked better to reduce the temp. to 350 and cook 40-45 minutes to ensure it was fully done and prevent it falling from the pan.
  3. This is definitely a great angel food. I only had five egg whites so made half a recipe and baked it in a loaf pan.
  4. This was great. I used an immersion blender to chop the sugar to a finer texture (as recommended in other recipes) and couldn't find cake flour, so I took two TBS out of a cup of regular flour and added two of cornstarch. I made the quantity indicated in two 5 X 13 inch loaf pans, put a piece of parchment paper only on the bottom of each to aid in getting them out. They came out great, about 4 inches high, cooked wonderfully. Thanks for this great recipe.
  5. I made this cake before with my Aunt. It won best tasting at a contest in North Carolina. Only .1 grams of fat and so much better than storebought!

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