Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine

This bread is just so good, more like a coffee cake than a bread. I didn't have bread flour, so used regular unbleached, all-purpose flour and took it out about 3 minutes before the beeper because I like a less-crispy crust. Well, what a treat. Major keeper. Not only would I make it again, I think it would make some of the most awesome cinnamon roll dough, and I'm definitely going to try that very soon. I would also suggest using this bread to make Cinnamon Toast Deluxe, recipe #93128. A definite cinnamon extravaganza, and a wonderful treat, especially for those of you who are looking for a stronger cinnamon flavor.
Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine
Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine
Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine
Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine Cinnamon Sugar Bread, Bread Machine


  1. This recipe is great. The only thing I changed was I added 2 tsp. of cinnamon. Talk about heavenly when cooking. We have about 15 in of snow right now and I love to bake when it's snowing so this was to be for breakfast in the morning. I could not wait. I ate 2 pieces while still warm w/honey butter on it. It turned out perfect. I put it on the 1 1/2 lb setting and on med for color and sweet bread setting. I will definitely do this again and again
  2. I had issues getting this to turn out. It wasn’t mixing all the way. Some of the bread would bake and some would not. Third time around I got it right. I put all the wet ingredients in. Then changed the order for the dry and put the flour in just before the yeast. Also I upped the cinnamon :). Love this bread.
  3. Made this yesterday and followed the recipe exactly. It was delicious but I am going to try again tonight with more sugar and cinnamon as the other reviewers suggested. Also I did it on the light crust setting and will try medium tonight.
  5. Its Super Bowl Sunday 2019 and I needed something to balance out all the pizza and beer so what better than cinnamon and sugar !!! Everything went in as written with no substitutions or changes. It didn't stick in the pan and it rose better than anything I've ever baked in the machine before....
  6. Oh Thank you! I was looking for a way to make cinnamon rolls the night before (expected to have to roll and bake in the morning.) But this was so much easier and just as good! Definitely adding this to the regular rotation!

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