Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-Boiled Eggs Hard-Boiled Eggs
Hard-Boiled Eggs Hard-Boiled Eggs
Hard-Boiled Eggs Hard-Boiled Eggs
Hard-Boiled Eggs Hard-Boiled Eggs


  1. I had to get into the discussion on this one! I have always been told to start the eggs in cold water,add few drops vinegar should one crack this seals it, bring to boil, turn off heat, cover and let stand 10-15 mins. Run under cold running water, add ice to water to get the eggs cold as soon as possible, this will ensure fluffy tender yolks, and tender whites, but also eliminates the black ring that occurs around the yolk if you don't cool the eggs. Tap the eggs on the counter top and roll them with the palm of your hand and under running cold water the shells will peel right off. I know this is basic stuff to us old uns, but please remember all the newlyweds, and those new to cooking, these tips make all the difference in the results they get.
  2. Thumbs up to someone for adding a basic recipie.. not only do beginner cookers need to know this, but some of us can use a refresher at times, too!
  3. I didn't know one needed a recipe to boil an egg. Is there one for boiling water that I missed?
  4. This is how I hard-boil my eggs and they come out EGGcellent everytime. I don't know what planet "jiva das" is from but when I make hardboiled eggs I don't have all day to wait for them to be done...however the pickle juice does sound interesting in making the deviled eggs.
  5. This is no way to cook eggs! First, use a pin to punch a hole in the big end of the eggs. This prevents cracking, that is caused by expansion of the air bubble in the big end. Cover the eggs well with COLD water. Cover the pan, and bring to a boil over medium heat (this method works only on an electric stove). As soon as the water is bopiling, turn off the heat. Leave the pot on the element. After some hours, once the water is at room temperature, peel the eggs (use a spoon to crack the shell all over, then, under a running tap, roll the egg between your palms. The shell can then be easily removed. DEVILED: Slice an egg lengthwise. Spoon out the yolk. Repeat for the rest of the eggs. Add a spoon of DILL PICKLE JUICE (!), season to taste, mash the lot with a fork, and spoon into the egg-white halves. Or use CURRY instead of the pickle brine. Or EXPERIMENT!

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