Gluten Free French Bread

This is a great gluten free bread. I can't help but wonder if the people who are adding extra flour are unfamiliar with gluten free bread. Gluten free bread dough will have a different, wetter texture than "normal" wheat dough. GF bread dough SHOULD be wet and sticky. I followed the reciepe exactly and it turned out terrific, though I put the whole thing into a regular loaf pan. It made a lovely loaf of bread for slicing.
Thank you so much for this recipe GlutenFreeGirl, this is the first GF bread recipe that is not disgusting. I have tried so many since going GF, and they have all been like a brick. I have also tweeked this by using all brown rice flour instead of white, using 2 whole eggs instead of egg whites , using olive oil instead of butter, lemon juice instead of vinigar and adding in some ground flax seed & ground hemp seeds. I also add in a bit of pure coconut extract & vanilla. I bake it in a 9x13 loaf pan, cut it in half & freeze half because I can't possibly eat a whold loaf before it goes bad. This is the only GF bread recipe that almost tastes like real bread. Thank you so much. I will try the breadmaker some time soon, but haven't had any luck with the breadmaker GF bread yet. Great job GlutenFreeGirl. Keep posting PLEASE!!!
I have been making this bread weekly for almost 2 yrs now with slight changes. 1 cup white rice, 1 cup brown rice, 3 tsp of ground flax for added fibre, and honey in replace of sugar. The result is a nice brown bread. Yesterday, I accidently forgot to add the tapioca starch - and it STILL turned out! It might even be a bit more moist that the original. I make this single recipe in a loaf pan for slices, muffin top tins for hamburger buns, (both pics are posted for viewing) and in a french baker when serving it to guests for dinner. A loaf or french baker requires 50mins in the oven, covering with foil 1/2 way through the cooking. Hamburger buns in 1/2 the posted cooking time. original review:WOW! This is the closest thing to "real" bread that I have had in 10 years! Thank you Gluten Free GIrl for posting this GREAT find.
The people who make guar gum or xanthan gum recommend it be dissolved in the oil/wet mixture before being added to the recipe. It needs the oil or fat to be properly dissolved. Although recipes do work doing it the way that the author wrote, it works much better if done the other way and have a better texture. The guar gum also should not be used in recipes with a high acid content as the acid tends to neutralize it. The xanthan gum does a better job of combining starches. See Bob's Red Mill site if you are interested in recommended proportions for different recipes.
Although the rice and tapioca flours are 'safe' flours with a more neutral taste, I tend to prefer working with combinations of other flours for about a third the flour amount for the increased vitamins and proteins that they offer. Changing the starches can have an effect on the recipe if you are inexperienced in working with these flours. -
This is a fantastic base bread. I made some variations to suit our taste I split the white rice flour to include br. rice flour I used equal amount of honey to replace the sugar I didn't use the egg substitute I reduced the amount of yeast (we are not fans of yeasty bread) I used olive oil instead of butter to get those healthy fats in there :) I used apple cider vinegar I added 1 tbsp ground flax meal to increase iron and fibre content. All in all it was a fantastic recipe, easy to manipulate and tastes as good as it says. I am going to attempt a multi-grain version and will update the review Thank you for sharing this and thanks to the reviewers for making it seem appealing! A great addition to the recipe book!